Campbell: DK FARM PRODUCE 1.12.2023

Location: John D Morgan Park

 540 W Rincon Ave, Campbell 94008 (the parking lot looks at San Thomas Expressway)

The event will start at 4.40pm, Thursday, 01/12/2023.  Please, sign up for your timeslot below.

The list will be closed at 9.00pm the day before the event. Please, make up your mind by that time, not after, so the vendor does not do any not-needed work.

*Make sure to double-check the list after you signed up. If your name is not on the list it means you did not sign up. It usually happens when the user misses some required lines of the form.

*Edit link in your email is to decrease/increase orders. The remove link is for removing the order entirely. Please, only click the remove link if you want to remove your order completely.

*Berries and other smaller fruit come in NET weight boxes, that exclude packaging and material. Big boxes are usually Gross weight, their weight includes the weight of the box and wrapping material.

*All produce needs to be inspected at the event before leaving the event. (weight/quantity/quality). Feel free to bring the scale.

Payment: Venmo or Cash at the event

1. Ginger $45 30lbs China
2. Honey pomelo (white inside) $46 8s China
3. Korean  shingo pear $25 9-10s Korean
4. 梨 Sweet Asia pear $25 15 pounds Mexico
5. 娃娃菜 Sweet Napa $32 25-30lbs  Mexico
6. Napa $28 45-50lbs  Mexico
7. Fuji 平果apple $20 12s China
8. Green onion $38 48ct(L) Mexico
9. Green beans $35 30lbs Mexico
10. Purple yam (Okinawan sweet potatoes) $57 30lbs Hawaii
11. Lotus root $67 30lbs Mexico
12. Eggplants $30 30lbs Mexico
13. Navel Orange $40 88s (Blue Jay Brand) USA
14. Red Yu Choy $38 20lbs Local farm
15. A sum $75 40lbs Mexico
16. Chinese celery $65 20lbs  Mexico
17. Pea tips  $55 10lbs  Mexico
18. Flat beans $46 13lbs Mexico
19. Peeled garlic $85 30lbs China (6 bags, 5 pounds each)
20. Yellow dragon fruits $25 5.5lbs Mexico
21. Honey Core Snow apple $30 12-14 China
22. Qiuyue pears $30 7-11 ct China
23. Red garlic leek $65 25lbs local farm
There are no more products available.
Thank you for signing up for the event.
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* email addresses are not provided to third-parties for any purpose.

Time SlotPersonGingerHoney pomeloKorean  shingo pearSweet Asia pearSweet NapaNapaFuji applesGreen onionGreen beansPurple yamlotus rootEggplantsNavel OrangesRed Yu ChoyA sumChinese celery Pea tipsFlat beansPeeled garlicYellow Dragon FruitHoney Core Snow appleQiuyue pearsRed garlic leekTotal
Natalie Zhang -1 boxes--------------1 boxes--1 boxes---$126
Stephanie ---------1 boxes-------------$57
Liz Y---------1 boxes---1 boxes---------$95
Sandra K.----------------1 boxes------$55