Hosui Pears, Organic Raspberries, Peach, Nectarines

Location: Sunnyvale Sports Basement: 1177 Kern Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94085. Park at the parking lot that looks at Lawrence expressway.  The parking lot is going only in one direction.

The list will be closed at 8.30pm the day before the event. Please, make up your mind by that time, not after, so the vendor does not do any not-needed work.

*Make sure to double-check the list after you signed up. If your name is not on the list it means you did not sign up. It usually happens when the user misses some required lines of the form.

*Edit link in your email is to decrease/increase orders. The remove link is for removing the order entirely. Please, only click the remove link if you want to remove your order completely.

*All produce need to be inspected at the event before leaving the event.

1.Organic Grapefruit $20 for 27 ct
2.Organic Galia $28 for 6 ct
3. Organic Roma tomatoes. Del Cabo Farms. $40 for 25LBS
4.  Organic Gravenstein apples $62 for 113ct
5.Organic Raspberry, Driscoll’s Farms 12X6OZ $15
6.Bartlett pears  70ct for $44
7.Blackberry $26 12/6oz
8.Strawberry Driscoll’s Farms 8/1lb $28
9.Blueberry Driscoll’s Farms $28 12/6oz
10. Hami melons $18 for 4ct
11. Murcott mandarins $36 for 60ct (Peru)
12. Black Mission Figs $32 for 12 pints
13. Kent Mango $7
14. Hawaiian Papaya $32 for 8CT
15. Yellow Nectarines $36 for 34/36CT
16. Yellow peach $36 for 34/36CT
17. Croc eggs pluots $36 for 48CT
18. Pomegranates $62 for 32 ct
19. Snap Pea $32
20. Portabella mushrooms $19 (California) The number of mushrooms depends on the size.
21.Navel oranges, Fancy grade 48ct AUSTRALIAN $50
22.  Rincon Avocados 70ct $45 (California) 70ct boxes usually include small avocados, different sizes but all on the smaller side.
23. Hosui Pear  $25 for 16ct ( California)
There are no more products available.
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* email addresses are not provided to third-parties for any purpose.

Time SlotPersonOrganic GrapefruitOrganic Galia melonsOrganic Roma tomatoesOrganic Gravenstein applesOrganic RaspberryBartlett pearsBlackberryStrawberryBlueberryHami melonsMurcott mandarinsBlack Mission FigsKent MangoHawaiian PapayasYellow NectarinesYellow PeachCroc eggs pluotsPomegranatesSnap PeaPortabella mushroomsNavel orangesRincon AvocadosHosui Asian PearTotal
Ruchita-----------------1 boxes1 boxes----$94
Sofya T.---1 boxes1 boxes------------------$77
Pri K-------1 boxes--1 boxes1 bags1 boxes---1 boxes----1 boxes-$184
Emily C-------------2 boxes---------$64
Sofya P---1 boxes1 boxes------------1 boxes---1 boxes-$184
Sooktien Loh ------------1 boxes----------$7
Fethiye K----1 boxes--1 boxes1 boxes------------1 boxes-$116
Priti soni-------------1 boxes---------$32
Emma C.----1 boxes------1 bags-----------$47
Alice -------1 boxes---------------$28
Anupama kamath--1 boxes--------------------$40
Dina Osipov----1 boxes------------------$15
Diane V-------------1 boxes---1 boxes-----$94
Selma k1 boxes---1 boxes------------1 boxes-----$97
Akangsha Goel------------3 boxes1 boxes------1 boxes--$103
Panpa------------1 boxes----------$7
Lyla Wu-------------2 boxes---------$64
Deepali pareek----1 boxes------------------$15
YoYo----1 boxes------------------$15
Hamid Mousavi----1 boxes---1 boxes-1 boxes1 bags--1 boxes1 boxes1 boxes------$219
Annapurna -----------------1 boxes----1 boxes$87
Manjari G------------2 boxes----------$14
Rakhi M------------1 boxes---------1 boxes$32
Olesya Menon---1 boxes-------1 bags-----------$94
Deepali Suri----1 boxes-1 boxes-----------1 boxes----$73
Shyaam N----1 boxes------------------$15
Atika--1 boxes-1 boxes------------1 boxes-----$117
Arati-------1 boxes---------------$28
Tiffany H------------2 boxes1 boxes-1 boxes1 boxes-----1 boxes$143
Christina Shih------------1 boxes------1 boxes---$26
Esther s1 boxes1 boxes--------------------1 boxes$73
Sabrina A-----------------1 boxes-----$62
Amie Carpio------------1 boxes------1 boxes---$26
Parul M------------2 boxes----------$14
Irina K---1 boxes---------------1 boxes---$81
Sandeep------------1 boxes----------$7
Shruti Verma----1 boxes-------2 boxes----1 boxes-1 boxes---$110
Alka T-1 boxes----------1 boxes----------$35
Rebecca --------------1 boxes1 boxes-------$72
Dhara K------------5 boxes----------$35
Dileep------1 boxes-----5 boxes1 boxes------1 boxes--$143
Katie Ramirez-------1 boxes------1 boxes1 boxes-------$100
Riddhi----1 boxes------------------$15
Anna De----1 boxes1 boxes------1 boxes----------$66
Lipi S------------1 boxes----------$7
Jane Kuo----1 boxes-1 boxes-----1 boxes----------$48