Sunnyvale: Pea tips, Red Yu Choy, Australian Mango R2E2, Lotus Roots

Location: Lakewood Park’s parking lot (it is behind the basketball and tennis courts) 834 Lakechime Dr, Sunnyvale, CA 94089

The event will start at 2.00 pm, Saturday, 01/07/2023. Please, sign up for your timeslot below. The event is very short. So, don’t be late.

The list will be closed at 9.00 pm the day before the event. Please, make up your mind by that time, not after, so the vendor does not do any unneeded work.

*Make sure to double-check the list after you signed up. If your name is not on the list it means you did not sign up. This usually happens when you are missing some required lines in the form.

*Berries and other smaller fruit come in NET weight boxes, that exclude packaging and material. Big boxes are usually Gross weight, their weight includes the weight of the box and wrapping material.

*All produce needs to be inspected at the event before leaving the event. (weight/count/quality). Feel free to bring the scale.

Payment: Venmo or Cash at the event

1. Water chestnuts $36  22lbs China (20 bags total per box)
2. Ginger $33 30lbs China
3. White honey pomelo $45 8s  China
4. Korean shingo pear 梨 $25 9-10s Korean
5. Sweet Napa $30 25-30lbs  Mexico
6. Fuji 平果apples $25 12s China
7. Green onion $35 48ct(L) Mexico
8. Green bean $30 25lbs Mexico
9. Oranges 1 bag $13 10lbs  USA
10. Australian Mango R2E2  $40 9s Australia Euri Gold Farms
11. Purple yam $58 30lbs Hawaii
12. Hawaii longan $50 8lbs
13. Lotus root $70 30lbs Mexico
14.Eggplants $30 30lbs Mexico
15. Navel Orange $40 88s  ( (blue Jay) USA
16. Red yu choy $40 20lbs Local farm
17. A sum or Celtuce $78 40lbs Mexico
18. Chinese celery $68 20lbs  Mexico
19. Pea tip $57 10lbs Mexico
There are no more products available.
Thank you for signing up for the event.
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* email addresses are not provided to third-parties for any purpose.

Time SlotPersonWater chestnutsGingerWhite pomeloKorean shingo pearSweet NapaFuji applesGreen onionGreen beansOrangesAustralian MangoPurple yamHawaii longanLotus rootEggplantsNavel OrangeRed yu choyA sumChinese celeryPea tipTotal
Camille---------1 boxes-1 boxes-------$90
Esther A---1 boxes---------------$25
Huda--------1 boxes----------$13
Catherine ---------1 boxes---------$40
Maricar A---------1 boxes--------1 boxes$97
Sandra K.1 boxes--------1 boxes1 boxes1 boxes1 boxes--1 boxes---$294
Cynthia L--------1 boxes1 boxes---------$53
Cindy P. ----------1 boxes1 boxes-------$108
Anusha Nalluri--------------1 boxes----$40
Vy M.---------1 boxes---------$40
Lisa Skrenchuk---1 boxes-----1 boxes---------$65
YoYo G-----------1 boxes-------$50
Anna Woong-----------1 boxes-------$50
Tiffany H--------------1 boxes----$40
Annapurna ---1 boxes---------------$25
Poovizhi -------1 boxes-1 boxes---------$70
Anna D----------1 boxes--------$58
Anethu---1 boxes-----1 boxes-1 boxes-------$115
Barbara Yang--------2 boxes----------$26