Houge Park: Back to School Photo Event with Photographer Anvi Parikh


Location: Houge Park, San Jose

Meeting Point: kids playground

Sunday, August, 8

The list will be closed on Saturday at 3pm, please, venmo photographer as you sign up for the event

Payment via Venmo when you sign up for the event. $35 for 2 professionally touched-up photos from the event in two styles, each.

We are going to celebrate back-to-school and explore traditional back-to-school photo themes with chalkboards and apples. Have fun and create memories!

The photo can include one or multiple kids: siblings back-to-school portrait or even friends.

Here are some suggestions of what the kids can wear for the Back-to-School photo shoot although it is your choice!
For girls, dresses and skirts are great with hair pinned.
For boys solid colored dress shirts and pants.

The photographer will provide the following styles:

1. True to color (but professionally touched-up)

2. Bohemian Dreams style (professionally touched up)

The pictures will be distributed using Google Photos. Please use the email address where you want to receive the photos when you sign-up.

Edited pictures will be mailed by August 16, however, we understand that some schools start their school year earlier. In this case, please, message to SplitBunch messenger  (https://www.facebook.com/SplitBunch) when you need them by. The earliest day to get the pictures is August 10th.

Please, see Anvi’s portfolio here: https://www.instagram.com/anvi_parikh_photography/


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Time SlotPersonBack-To-School PhotoshootTotal
Kinjal Bhimani1 order$35